
The angels are here to help us. Only when we open to their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Supernatural Beings Known as Angels

Hello Friends,

In traveling through life, you may sometimes feel alone.  The good news is you're never alone.  Angels are real and they care.  So that you can understand what and who they are, here is some information.

You are welcome to call or write for further information, and to share your comments.  Call me personally at 425.741.9752


                                ZARA ANGEL



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                     By ZARA ANGEL

For as long as humans have been on this earth we
have known of the wonderful, yet mysterious
supernatural beings known as Angels.

We have known them from their visitations and
only when we open ourselves to receive their messages
can we fully receive their help and guidance.

Sometimes it’s through a voice from a speaker unseen,
or a feeling that communicates something important
that the person could not have known otherwise.

Sometimes it is through a vision, with eyes open or shut.
From the dawn of time, mystics have had visions of Angels,
some loving, some terrifying, always life changing.

Angels are the messengers of Divine Spirit (God/Goddess).
These beings are said to be early creations
of Divine Spirit (God/Goddess) who rejoice
in doing the will of Divine Spirit.

Some Angels simply spend eternity facing
Divine Spirit singing praise in adoration.
Others have jobs or tasks assigned to them
that bring them into contact with people.

Some of the better known Angels are:
Archangel Michael, with his sword, who battles evil,
Archangel Gabriel, with his trumpet, who makes announcements,
Archangel Raphael, who is often called on for healing,

Metatron, who was once Enoch before becoming an Angel,
Azrael, who assists and guides the souls of the dying to Heaven. 
Also well known are Guardian Angels who protect us in times of danger.

Some Angels walk the earth in the form of men or women and you might never even know they are Angels so it is important to always be kind to strangers.

The ancient Hebrews told the story of three Angels who walked up to the tent door and were properly received by Abraham and Sarah. The Angels told them that they would become parents regardless of their advanced age, and this prediction proved to be true.

Angels do the will of Divine Spirit, which is often difficult to understand. Angels bring lovers together, bring souls to new babies, and after a short or long life help guide the soul back to heaven, usually not on the timetable we would choose.

These Angels help us to connect the visible world of our daily lives with the invisible world of the Divine Spirit.

There are traditions, legends, and folklore of beings similar to Angels from all the cultures and peoples of the earth.

There are winged messengers carrying the word of Divine will. There are mysterious visions of physical visitors that come prior to a miraculous healing.

Some examples of these similar Beings include:
The Devas of Hindu India, celestial beings with supernatural powers that carry messages and respond to prayers for healing and miraculous events.

Greek Hermes, the winged messenger of the Gods who
was also responsible for healing and teaching the first
doctor how to heal.

Roman Cupid, winged archer of Love & Valentines Day.
Valkyries of the Norse who would fly down to
battlefields to gather the souls of the dead heroes
and take them to Valhalla (Norse Heaven).   

ZARA ANGEL Seattle Best Psychic...Working directly with Archangel Michael,  ZARA ANGEL is uniquely gifted at guiding clients into spiritual awareness and financial prosperity through 
Psychic Angel Readings, and Past Life Readings. In ZARA’s role as an Angel-Advocate, she has been writing and speaking throughout the Northwest on Angel Awareness.

To schedule YOUR READING

CALL  ZARA ANGEL...425-741-9752


Love    Peace            Joy