
The angels are here to help us. Only when we open to their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance.

Friday, February 26, 2010

How to Claim Divine Order in Your Life

Dear Friends, 
We all want to be happy in our lives, and in order to be happy you need inner peace.  So how do you find inner peace?  I've written the following article to help show you the way. Inner peace comes from the realization that everything in your life is in the NOW, and everything is working out into exactly the way it needs to...

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Nam Myoho Renge Kyo...I claim Divine Order in My Life!    

                                                by ZARA ANGEL

"What you have written brings me back sitting right in the middle of your classes again.  Good memories, good teachings.  All of Joy, Peace and acceptance.  The wonderful experiences we have all journeyed in your classes and how we all have learned is very precious and filled with the the DIVINE Light.  I also claim Divine Order in My Life as well!!!!!  Namaste"  Linda Hascall, Everett, Washington

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo--I Claim Divine Order in My Life
                                 By ZARA ANGEL

   Regardless of the difficulties of the trials you have been experiencing, remember to repeat the words, "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo".   This chant, revealed by the thirteenth century, Nichiren Daishonin, is said to be an _expression of a single principle or law through which you can unlock your hidden spiritual gifts, and achieve creative oneness with your environment.

Just chanting these sounds with faithful dedication can help to transform the difficulties you have been experiencing into happiness, positive feelings, and spiritual growth, and it will help to bring the angels closer to you, enabling them to assist you more.  Remember you are not alone, and whenever you call on God and the angels with sincerity, you will get help.

   Through this phrase, you draw goodness, Divine Order, and imminent balance into you life.  Repeating these sounds again and again will change your life--giving you inner peace, a sense of order and the feeling of purpose that you have been longing for.

   These sounds will also draw the loving attention of the angels, and will help you to receive the countless blessings that a relationship with the angels can bring.

   In addition to "Nam-myoho-renge-kyo", it is also very powerful to state, "I claim Divine Order in my life".  Stated repeatedly, this phrase will help you to realize that despite any and all difficulties that you are in the middle of processing, Divine Order is here with you now.

   You don't need to fix everything that is going on in your life.  When you claim Divine Order in your life, you begin to realize that your life is spiritually unfolding in the way that it should, and that everything will come out much better than you expected....

   Everything will be ok.  All you need to do is  realize that God and the angels are already helping.  As you claim Divine Order in your life, you can relax a little more, and realize that all's well that ends well, and everything will end well--no matter how it currently seems.  
Goodness and Peace will prevail. 

                Blessings, ZARA ANGEL

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Love                      Peace                      Joy

                        ZARA ANGEL
              Psychic Angel Messenger