
The angels are here to help us. Only when we open to their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Healing YOUR Inner Child

Hello Friends,

If not effectively dealt with, inner child issues can definitely hold one back, and no reasonably ambitious person wants to be held back from their potential.  So, since everyone has an inner child, learning what the issues are and dealing with those issues effectively is  important for everyone who wants to develop their potential and accomplish whatever worthy goal they set out to achieve.

If people understood when and where their negative blocks got started, they might be able to clear them themselves. But, when you are personally involved, the truth is that it’s almost impossible to clear all of your blocks without help. However, through my Angel Readings, the Angels of Light are able to help people gain great understanding of former issues, and to ultimately transcend their inner child issues... 


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Many of us have a strong belief that our inner child issues are over, and have already been dealt with. We have attended seminars and workshops, visited Psychologists and healers of various kinds, talked it out, etc. But a principal message the Angels of Light are sending is that there is more important inner child work to be done for almost everyone.

Through the healing work the Angels are accomplishing in the sessions I give, the subject of the inner child has come up frequently. In one of my Readings, an individual named Louis, who has been on the Spiritual Path for many years, stated that she “had already worked out her inner child issues long before. Yet, in working with her, the Angels showed me that issues concerning her inner child still remained and were definitely holding her back.

Looking into this, Lois’ Guardian Angels took us back to a scene from early childhood in which she, as a nine-year old “good little Lutheran girl,” sat in a Sunday School class listening to the teacher. The topic of discussion that day was “Other religions of the world”.

This subject was very interesting to Lois because she had recently been looking into books at home concerning other religions, and afterwards had concluded that all religions had a continuity of purpose, and that all were related. (I thought this was a brilliant observation for a nine-year-old).

With this in mind, at the age of only nine, Lois raised her hand in Sunday School class, and when the teacher called upon her, asked, “Aren’t all of the religions really connected? Aren’t we all heading in the same direction, but doing it in different ways?’ (Again, brilliant for a nine-year-old).

This question apparently threatened the teacher, because, without explanation, she told Lois to “leave Sunday School for the day”, and that was how it was left.

You might think that as an adult, Lois would by now have been able to see through the shortsighted prejudice of the teacher, but since Lois was only a child when this happened, the bad feelings and the negative programming this incident caused, REMAINED, and she had never thought to reassess. Even after growing up, she still looked upon this memory as proof that there was something wrong with her. She didn’t realize that the problem was actually with the teacher, and not with her at all.

When I understood where her blocks and difficulties actually started from, I was able to clear the program, help her reassess the original situation, and reinvent her response, her reactions and even her feelings. This change positively affected her inner child and genuinely helped her to heal.

If people understood when and where their negative blocks got started, they might be able to clear them themselves. But, when you are personally involved, the truth is that it’s almost impossible to clear all of your blocks without help. However, through Angel Readings, the Angels of Light are able to help people gain great understanding of former issues, and to ultimately transcend their inner child issues.

In Lois’ case, through the channeled information that came through, the Angels helped by offering a full description of her Original Essence. While they described her, Lois had to admit that what they were saying was accurate. They said her true inner qualities were Love, Caring, Sincerity, Beauty, Understanding and Insight. They also said that Lois is a Light Being and an Angel incarnate as a human.

My next step was to “clear” her negative programming through special techniques given to me by Archangel Michael. After this was complete, the change in Lois’ countenance was remarkable. As often happens in my Angel Reading sessions, my client’s face started to glow. She immediately felt and looked much better than before.

Now, many years later, Lois still raves about how much better she’s doing since the angels and I found and cleared her inner child issues. Since that day, she reports her life changed dramatically for the better, and that the old issue of believing there was something terribly wrong with her never came back.

Here are her comments about that day:

“It was wonderful. The Angels helped me remember that I’m a Light worker, and they validated my Light-Being status. The Angels allowed me to look at myself and appreciate what you and others see, and what I’ve accomplished. I don’t need so much outside validation anymore. Now I can validate myself, and I find that it’s safer to open up.”

I’m so glad that the angels and I were able to help her that much in just one session. Since then, she has been to me many times, but that particular inner child issue has permanently been deleted, and is no longer causing any problem in her life. While it is true that we will always have challenges and obstacles in our lives, it is wonderful when we truly get past old inner child issues. When that is done, your life will be happier, more productive, and it will be easier to express your beauty, your light, and who you really are. The Angels are here to help us, and by teaching us l to love, understand and CLEAR our own inner child through Angel Readings, the Angels are doing just that. 


                                                                      ZARA ANGEL



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Psychic Angel Messages with ZARA ANGEL 

The Angels are here to help us.  Only when we open ourselves to receive their messages can we fully receive their help and guidance.

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 Love                       Joy                           Peace
                        ZARA ANGEL